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E-Flats in Mutual Funds

August 12th, 2023 Latest Blogs

Concept of E-Flats in Mutual Funds .....

Many of us would like to generate passive income apart from the active income.It might be from different investment avenues be it real estate or mutual funds.

As far as Indian mentality is concerned we tend to invest our savings buying a flat or purchasing some property for giving it on rental purpose.

But the thing is that though real estate give a fixed income and capital appreciation but in modern terms is it really worthy option to invest in the real estate or physical properties only for the purpose of generating second source of income ?

The answer is clearly NO.

In modern times it is better option in to purchase E-Flats in Mutual Funds .!!!!!!!

What are E-Flats ?

E-Flats are nothing but a corpus amount in the Mutual Funds schemes.The amount will be parked in the Debt/Liquid Fund rather investing that amount in some other physical properties.

This will overcome the problem of lack of liquidity and non-occupancy that happens in Real Estate properties.At times it also becomes difficult to sell the real estate at the price demanded by the seller.

Let say you invested amount around 50 Lakh in Mutual Funds.Then probably you could do SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan) from the Mutual Funds.Let the money grow there only and that will help us to get the fixed income in the form of principal and interest/dividend on the invested amount.

Start your wealth creation journey by investing your penny in Mutual Funds.

Thank You.

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